Monday, March 17, 2014

Part 6 - Monday Morning Song

The very next morning, I managed to get downstairs to the big dining room by 8 am. Sitting around a large, oval, central table or the four booths around the edge of the room, we feasted monastery-style:
white bread, simple cereals, and milk that wasn't quite cold enough. We poured out coffee from blue IKEA carafes into our little clear glass mugs - all 35 of us. There were two married couples; the rest were single 20 and 30 somethings. I was not married, but certainly not single, and I was one of the youngest students, being only 19.

A beautiful, artsy-seeming German woman stood up and made an announcement from the head of the table. She rested her knee on her chair, as if to avoid seeming too in charge. Her thick accent made it all seem so I had joined some international hippie commune.

"The prayer meeting starts in 15 minutes, in the lounge."

Hurried, final
spoonfuls slurped;
the clink and clatter
of collected dishes;
and stepped:

this the Monday morning song of Bellevue.



  1. Hard not to wish I were there at that time in my life....

  2. There was a place in the countryside of Pennsylvania SE of Pittsburgh called Ligonier valley study center, that was modeled after L'Abris. I spent significant time there in 1974 and again in 1976...This brings it all rushing back. The communal meals, the prayers or seminar times, small fistful of students walking after dinner in the golden presunset light on country roads.

    1. I've heard of Ligonier, but I don't think I ever knew you were there! Always love your comments, Lee!
