Sunday, March 9, 2014

Part the Third

First a small, dark room - a boot room with glass paneled sides, low shelves appropriate for the European tradition of shoe removal, and a place for umbrellas.

Then, an ancient door opened before me due to my guide's heavy hand on the hammered-iron handle.




Bodies moving.

My substantial bag suddenly at my side, but its escort disappeared; the sound of the solid door closing behind me - kerchunk - was all that was left of him. I was aware of the gaping darkness of a staircase to my right, both ascending and descending. But before I could move from my obvious-newcomer-surrounded-by-too-much-luggage stance, a friendly face walked toward me. It was attached to a young man with only a blonde wisp of hair remaining on his head.

An outstretched hand. I exhaled, and palm to palm, we spoke our niceties. Clearly, he loved the sheltering happenings here, and seemed eager to include me.


  1. I can't wait for the next page!

    1. Lee, it might just be your comments that keep me telling this story!! :)

  2. Hey! I'm reading this too! (Just caught up here. Wow, dear Anna. Can't find words for the French Bishop and and you ...and your mom …and the cross <3 <3 <3 <3)
    And I think you're getting to the good part... but, are you telling us that Dave only had a wisp of hair when you MET him? Like a cool hair cut, you mean? <3+

    1. Annah! So good to hear from you here! No, not Dave ;) another friend!
